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Info Reporting For Small Businesses


To comply with a new federal law starting this year, many companies, including small businesses, must report beneficial ownership information (BOI) to the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

You can access all the information you need on the FinCEN Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting web page. Be sure to check the site for updates.

In the meantime, we are helping to share this information with small business owners on what the FinCEN reporting is, why it is needed, who needs to file, when the deadline is, and how to do it.

Whether you own a photography business, social media marketing agency, or cleaning service, or you are a professional organizer, event planner, or personal trainer—full time or part time—here’s what you need to know about the FinCEN reporting requirement.

Also, if you are currently in the process of starting a small business or plan to start a business in the future, whatever type of business that may be, this requirement may apply to you as well. Read More

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